October 19, 1774…
Annapolis sparks Maryland’s active participation in the American Revolution when angry colonists force the burning of a ship carrying the detestable weed tea.
The Port of Annapolis becomes the fiery scene of a budding nation clamoring for independence from Great Britain’s repressive taxation and tyranny.
October 19, 2024…
Commemorate the Burning of the Peggy Stewart – also called the Annapolis Tea Party -- 250 years to the day after shipping merchant Anthony Stewart, a loyalist to the Crown, rowed out to the merchant brigantine he owned and set it ablaze at the insistence of an outraged mob.
Join the John Paul Jones Chapter, Maryland SAR
For a living history exhibition of The Burning of the Peggy Stewart
October 19, 2024
In downtown, historic Annapolis
Copyright © 2023 - Committee for 250th Peggy Stewart Tea Party Commemoration | All Rights Reserved
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Peggy Stewart 250 Committee
We are a collaboration of nonprofit organizations commemorating this seminal Maryland event
in the history of our nation via a living history experience
Contact us at committee@peggystewart250.org for more information